The following is a demo for an idealized woman's face. This exercise will enable you to locate proper ideal anatomical placement for features on a front view and side view. For other races and/or stylized faces adjust accordingly while adhering the rules of anatomical placement (i.e. Ear size is the measurement from the tip of nose to brow line/ridge).
Step 1:
Draw a grid on your 9"x12" drawing pad in 1x1 squares.

Based on a 4"x4", designate the center of the face at 2" from the side and 2" down from the top of the head. 2" down from top of the head place the eyes at the center line. Please note to leave a space equivalent to one eye's width between the eyes. The mouth lies 3" down from the top of the head on the center line. The jaw is lies 3" down from the top of the head and is 2" wide.
Side View:
Following the placement markers of the front view, place all the features in the first 1/4 of the profile head.

The placement of the nose lies on the centerline between 2-3" down from the top of the head. It is up to the illustrator how long or wide the nose should be. On the generic face the nose would be the same distance designated between the eyes.
Side View:
Following the placement markers of the front view, place the nose 2-3" down from the top of the head. The jawline ends at the centerline 3" down from the top of the head.

The placement of the nose lies on the centerline between 2-3" down from the top of the head. It is up to the illustrator how long or wide the nose should be. On the generic face the nose would be the same distance designated between the eyes. The height of the ear is the distance from the brow ridge to the tip of the nose. If you make a longer nose, it makes a larger ear; a smaller nose makes a smaller ear.
Side View:
Following the placement markers of the front view, place the nose 2-3" down from the top of the head. The jawline ends at the centerline 3" down from the top of the head. The ear is placed at the same location as the front view (height = distance from brow ridge to tip of the nose) joining the jawline. The ear width lies within the first 1/2 of the 3" cube.

The neck is slightly thinner than the jawline.
Side View:
The nape of the neck's smallest point runs horizontal to the location of the lips. The underpart of the jaw runs horizontal 4" down from the top of the head and adam's apple os located at the halfway point of the 2" cube. The interior of the ear is lightly detailed, but unnecessary .

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